National School Breakfast Week Kicks Off Nutrition Month |
National School Breakfast Week, March 4-8, serves as a reminder of the importance of a healthy breakfast to start the day. Every day, we offer a nutritionally balanced breakfast, including fresh fruit and optional milk to help fuel student’s success in school. It's proven that students who eat breakfast have higher test scores, increased comprehension, improved classroom behavior, and reduced tardiness.
This year, SNS partnered with SF Safe Routes to School to encourage healthy morning habits by walking, biking, or rolling your way to school breakfast! In collaboration with SF Safe Routes to School, 9 schools participated in a walking or biking bus, finishing up in the cafeteria to celebrate breakfast; students who nourish themselves and our dining staff who prepare it.
We implore students and families to continue healthy morning habits beyond National School Breakfast Week by participating in School Breakfast and getting fresh air in the morning.
Breakfast menus are available online at sfusd.edu/menus.
View More Black History Month Features During Women's History Month |
SNS Dining Staff from left to right, Pamela from Bessie Carmichael Elementary School, Cynthia from James Lick Middle School, and Valerie from Commodore Sloat Elementary School. |
Our last newsletter focused on Pamela from Bessie Carmichael, and her perspective on Black History Month and Student Nutrition Services. Cynthia's feature is now live on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, while Valerie's is up on Instagram and Facebook. Take a look at these outstanding women who represent Student Nutrition Services all year long. |
Reminder For Summer Program Managers Who Want Meal Service |
SFUSD's Student Nutrition Services (SNS) is proud to offer summer meals to your students this summer. The summer meals program serves healthy meals to youth 18 years and younger and to individuals older than 18 with disabilities during the summer months at SFUSD schools. The goal of this program is to alleviate hunger for vulnerable youth when school is not in session. This year, SNS intends to serve breakfast and lunch to programs.
To receive meals at your program held on an SFUSD campus this summer, please complete this application by March 29, 2024. SNS cannot guarantee meal service on the first day of summer programming if your program completes the application after the deadline. Please complete one application per program. This application is intended to be completed by the summer program manager or coordinator (NOT the families enrolled in the program). We recognize that you may not have all of the information finalized yet that is asked in the application. Please complete the application to the best of your ability at this time and information can be updated as it becomes available.
If this message doesn't apply to you, please feel free to share with your contacts that it may impact! Thank you for your interest in helping increase food access for San Francisco youth over the summer!
March Harvest of the Month | Root Vegetables |
March equals root veggies! Our Culinary Team, in partnership with our Operations Team and FoodCorps Worker, had their first tasting of their Beet Dip served with Jicama and Radish. Doesn't that look tasty! These tasting events provide students with an opportunity to try new, potentially unfamiliar foods that are nutritious, seasonal, and delicious.
View our March Harvest of the Month poster to learn more about Root Veggies. You're welcome to print them for your school, office, or home! It even includes easy ways to incorporate veggies into your at home meals. |
Please share any of these relevant messages with your networks. Thank you for being a part of our community!
Kaitlyn Robinson
Marketing & Communications Specialist |
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If you think anyone in your network would like to begin receiving this newsletter, please direct them to our newsletter sign up page. This is also where you'll be able to see previous newsletters from SNS. |
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You are receiving this string of updates because we consider you, your department, or your organization as key in supporting families' access to nutritious meals. Please take advantage of the resources we share to support your work in supporting families & also include these messages in your communication with your colleague & family base, as it is relevant. The majority of these messages are also included in SFUSD Family & Staff weekly announcements.
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